A never ending and yet fulfilling journey.
Spirituality is a word that is used more commonly these days to describe one’s belief system. I often encounter people who prefix their thoughts with, “Oh I’m not religious, I’m more spiritual”.
Does that mean you’re more open to things?
Do you meditate?
For me, being spiritual is a way to view my world. I look at everything as energy or a soul being on a journey of their own. Nothing really is right or wrong, but here to be experienced. I try to be more objective when I encounter challenges in my life and learn from each experience. It is not always easy, because I have emotions, reactions and impatience.
It doesn’t matter what you call it, your internal state is really reflected in your actions. But overall the idea of spirituality brings me an ease of calmness, oneness and peace.
So how do you get there?
It seems so much has been written already on how to be spiritual and steps to “practice and become (more) spiritual.” Most of us have read or heard, “if you follow this spiritual practice, meditate “x” times a week, listen to relaxing music, read this book, “ (the list goes on) you will be on your path to becoming a (more) spiritual person.
These all are possibilities which people have explored to begin their spiritual journey. After following the aforementioned practices, I began asking myself, “what spirituality means to me” and “what does it mean to be spiritual?”
Many of us live in a Westernized culture and are conditioned to receive instant gratification and results. We are goal-oriented for the sake of satisfaction and want everything yesterday. Not to mention societal and cultural expectations that we must be in control at all times, to avoid being perceived as weak. At this point, you’re probably thinking, what does any of this have to do with spirituality?
Some people identify solely with their external-self and suppress the internal-self. Others identify solely with their internal-self; and are unsure on how to express themselves. This leads to them often feeling like they don’t belong. A space between the two is where I have discovered the meaning of my spirituality.
It is important for me to recognize and integrate my external-self (control, goals, and expectations) with my internal-self (spirituality, emotions, personal beliefs, imagination).
It is about integrating, syncing, connecting and understanding all the aspects of who I am externally and internally. I don’t look for lessons in everything, and I allow myself to be human and experience what I am living. But at the same time, I also look at daily life in a bigger picture point of view to see where I am on my journey and what I am learning from the experience on a soul level. Ultimately I am being true to who I am as a person, partner, friend, teacher, and daughter in the moment of the experience.
“Living in sync with who you really are liberates you to experience your most optimal life. When you stay in tune with who you really are, your creativity comes alive.” -Colleen Hawthorn.
There is no end-goal of spiritual journey. It is many things; having gratitude for everyday, finding balance, joy and fulfilment. Understanding all the amazing connections in your life. You can read books, meditate, listen to relaxing music, and follow all the prescribed measures given by someone else. Ultimately, it is your personal journey.